Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome
Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome – 1 virus has put the whole world in danger. This virus is coronavirus. More than billions patients are fighting against coronavirus. Millions patients are died because of covid-19.
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Coronaviruss firstly found in the country of China. In China coronavirus outbreak is in control now. But the breaking news came meanwhile. second virus is knocking the door in China. The name of that mystry virus is hantavirus. One patient has died because of hantaavirus in uhan. let’s see the news.
Hantavirus in china
This incident is happened ine unan of China. Where 1 man travelling from unan to shandong district for his work. He is going by a bus. He died suddenly in that bus. Firstly police and government supposed that this is the case of covid-19. But after checking his blood, government noted that this is not the covid-19 case. He is died because of that mystery virus named hantavirus.
That bus has 32 more people travelling. Government has taken blood samples of all the peoples. reports are awaited. when reports come, then and then only we should know that any of them having hantavirus infection or not.
hantavirus pulmonary syndrome
All people in the China gets feared because of that spreading news. Recently 1 virus have taken the lives away of thousand peoples. Fight with that virus has not ended, while second virus come to threaten.
If you want to know the symptoms of antivirus and routes of transmission of hantavirus? Then comment below, I will definitely answer you. Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome explained here.
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